Evelyn (Mrs. Josiah) Grimwood
Known aliases: E.G.; E. Grimwood; Jennifer Eifrig
Century of origin: Late 19th
Mrs. Grimwood is an agent of AACTR and its de facto corporate historian. When not occupied in her official duties, she ekes a peculiar living advising venerable institutions of collecting and learning in everything from raising capital to fighting mummies.
As one of AACTR's first agents, Mrs. Grimwood began recording for posterity the stories told to her by the early generations of anachronauts, much as Dr. Watson has done for the celebrated Mr. Holmes. The more peculiar and stirring of these she makes available in fictional form, all sensitive names and locations having been altered for privacy, of course.
Although she will not confirm the rumor, Mrs. Grimwood is held to be the only anachronaut to have met the legendary inventor of time travel, Martin Schraft.
As one of AACTR's first agents, Mrs. Grimwood began recording for posterity the stories told to her by the early generations of anachronauts, much as Dr. Watson has done for the celebrated Mr. Holmes. The more peculiar and stirring of these she makes available in fictional form, all sensitive names and locations having been altered for privacy, of course.
Although she will not confirm the rumor, Mrs. Grimwood is held to be the only anachronaut to have met the legendary inventor of time travel, Martin Schraft.